goob @goobgender
he/🦴 + neos
Profile Views: 124
Last Login: 10/31/2014
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my xitter.. im xweeting on my xitter.. my twitter replacement bc i dont wanna go back! microblogging bascially
Posted at 8:02 PM Nov 10
Status Update:
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I LIED! YES I DO. it hurts and it hurts and it HURTS. i feel like i'm 200 years old at this point. I already know why my body hurts like this, i just didn't expect the SYMPTOMS SO EARLY. I'M YOUUUNGGGGGGGG *getting dragged away*
I had no idea how much my diet was contributing to my overall QOL until i started ramadan. every joint in my body feels so strained... my knees are fucked and keep cracking EVERY TIME I stand (<- PAINFUL.) and I can't really flex my elbows for too long without them hurting. I don't want to talk about my back.
I'm TIRED and I don't want to work on this for even 2 seconds longer goodbye. the second theme is hideous but i'll fix it later i want to complain about body pain!